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What’s Happening

Earth Day Celebration

04/24/14 Crestwood Elementary

Crestwood celebrated Earth Day by singing songs and listening to an Arbor Day play. Students also watched Mr. House climb a tree in our woods and put up an owl nest. It was a great day!

Power Patrol Audits

04/23/14 Thoreau Elementary

As part of Earth Month, we

Earth Day Poetry

04/22/14 Lowell Elementary

2nd graders in Mrs. Rickerson’s class mixed creativity with Earth Day awareness by writing Earth Day-related acrostic poems!

Earth Day Clean Up

04/22/14 Sandburg Elementary

Last week, on Earth Day, all of the students in the after school program helped to clean up trash on school grounds and in the surrounding woods. We discussed the importance of making sure that we don’t litter, and create as little waste as possible. The kids also had a lot of fun planting their own seeds.

Earth Month!

04/22/14 Thoreau Elementary

We’re back from Spring Break - and it’s still Earth Month. This morning Maylasia and Katie did the morning announcements.

stop signs

04/20/14 Allis Elementary

We made big stop signs that ask "Did you recycle?" We will attach them to the garbage bins in the cafeteria when it’s meal time, to give people a reminder.

bin signs

04/18/14 Allis Elementary

We made mini posters that depicted a pie chart of what can be recycled in Madison. We colored them and distributed them to all the classrooms - taped them onto each recycling bin, reminding teachers of what should go into those bins, as we keep finding teachers putting recyclables in the garbage.

Earth Month!

04/11/14 Thoreau Elementary

Today was the second week of Friday’s Hour of Power Down - as part of Earth Month. Isla & Tayla did the 2pm announcement.

Earth Day and Metcalfe’s

04/10/14 Lowell Elementary

Sustane Dane and Metcalfe’s are working together to celebrate Earth Day. Those schools who participate in the People.Power.Planet program were given the option of decorating reusable bags for Metcalfe’s in honor of Earth Day. Today Mrs. Rickerson’s 2nd graders decorated their bags and they look great! Be sure to check out the pics :)

Earth Month!

04/07/14 Thoreau Elementary

As a part of Earth Month, Cade & Tayla did a morning announcement to remind everyone of the fun activities going on this month.